Scientists and engineers lure actively engaged in developing nanoerystallinc calcium orthophosphate (CaP) to enhance their biological and mechanical properties for their use in biomedical applications. CaP, have a large number of hiomedical applications due to its hiocornpatibiliry) In bone-tissue engineering, bioresorbable and bioactive phases of CaP bioccramic are preferred materials because of their similar composition natural bone. excellent osteo-conductivity and Nocompatibility.l. The first report came in 1920. on the successful itnplication ofCaP in human heings.4 CaP are one of the most widely used hiore-sorbable and hioactive ceramics. If the Ca/P molar ratio is between 0.5 and 2_0 are known as non-ions substituted CaP and it gives organs stability and hardness of the ten-dons of marnmals.5 Among different forms of CO, non- ions suhstitutecl hydroxyapatite (I-IA) is one of the most attractive hioinorganic materials. It is reported that Mineral constituents of HA and natural bones are same.’s
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